The film story manages Sivan an all around regarded wear in the space of Madurai. After his driver was killed in a quarrel with a couple of adversaries, including a boisterous cop, he accepts the driver's child Shakthi as his own. Shakthi grows up with a vindictive scorn towards the Police uniform and some other Khaki dress. Indeed, even towards his possible darling, at first loathing, however at that point seeing her great side, But it is the point at which his Father wants him to wear the uniform, that reverse the situation on the illicit work of Sivan. How Shakthi manages his Father, and an obscure aggressor shapes the essence of the story.
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মুভি DVD রাইট/ DVD ডিস্ক বানাই কেনা DVD গুলোর মত !
ডাউনলোড করা মুভিগুলোকে কেনা DVD গুলোর মত করার চেষ্টা ছিল অনেক দিনের।
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